ANDARE (joker)

Andare lived during the reign of Rajasinghe II and is said to have been born at Dickwella,a village in the district of Mathara.From his boyhood he had been full of mischief and had teased his friends with his many jokes and jests.
       After his marriage he had not paid a visit to the palace with his wife,and the queen inquired of him about thisHe then told her that he was ashamed to bring his wife to the palace as she was dull of hearing.The queen,however insisted that she shouled come.So Andare went home and told his wife that queen wished to see her.
     "But remember,"he said,you must speak as loud as you can in her presence because is very deaf."
The following day he conducted her to the palace and ,leaving her with the queen in a room,he quietly came out.Soon afterwards there was much noise inside the room,and a crowd gathered inserested to know what was going on.This drew the king's attention and he too went there in all haste.He anxiously asked the queen what the matter was and she replied,
                                                       "This is Andare's newly married wife.she is deaf,and i was speaking to her in loud voice."
                          "Excuse me,Your majesty",explained Andare's wife,"I am not deaf at all.My husband advised me to speak as loud as I could becuse Her Majesty was very I shouted at the top of my voice."so saying she knelt before the king and begged his pardon.The king,however,knew who was at the bottom of the mischief,and left the room with his men roring with laughter.

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